Matt Makai - Python web dev & Twilio Developer Evangelist.

@mattmakai on Twitter & GitHub

One Additon Per Day

I'm a huge believer in the power of results that accumulate by working on something every single day. This idea obviously isn't new. Nathan Barry's new book Authority is one of the most recent examples that explains the power of writing each day.

My favorite personal data visualization to show the power that results from accumulation every day is my miles driven per day graph from my Coding Across America project. At the very beginning of my trip a large drive could double my total mileage, for example going 720 miles from Charlotte, NC to New Orleans, LA. But a 700 mile drive from Colorado to Des Moines looks miniscule compared to the approximately 10,000 total miles 2/3 of the way through my trip.

There are several things off the top of my head that I finished in large part because of a sustained daily effort (other than the miles driven chart above):

  • My Virginia Tech Computer Science Master's thesis
  • My six month learning log
  • Working out and/or running - I almost never miss a day
  • Numerous presentations

Next up will be taking my very rough but well received (judging from the number of stars on Github so far) Full Stack Python and fleshing out each section. Within the next week it won't be complete, but after a few weeks of sustained effort it will become a much more comprehensive resource.

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